World Book Week and the randomness of Tom.

To celebrate World Book Week, Alice's school are running a competition. You have to have a photograph of yourself reading your favourite book ever, (strictly speaking this isn't here's it is Percy's Bumpy Ride, but that was lost in transit a long time ago, or more likely in a box in the loft), in a strange place.

The obvious place for this was the garden shed, which incidentally is painted in "Percy Green" as we call it.

Went swimming and was then treated to the strangest conversation with Tom during our post plodge cuppas.

"Daddy, is everything made of atoms?"

"Yes, I think so."

"So chicken nuggets are made of atoms anad that table is made of atoms?"


"Well why doesn't the table taste like chicken nuggets?"

"It just tastes like table to me."

I couldn't find an answer to that.

And finally just before bed he informed me that a piece of metal with dents in would need to be christened...wait for it...Denty.

Night Tom.

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