
By Northsea

Talking Cars

My new toy arrived today so I can communicate with my car, well listen at least. My last car was a 1996 BMW 3 series that finally had to be parted with last week after the head gasket went. It told me quite clearly what was wrong with it when it constantly over heated, attacked me in the form of spitting boiling water at me and emitted petrol fumes from the radiator cap. Lots of shouting a nasty burn later it was traded in for something more reliable.
I now have a 2001 Mondeo (not that new I know but a big leap forward my other vehicle is a 1972 VW camper). I love mondeos. This will be my 3rd with the previous 2 having served me for a combined mileage of 370,000. They are great machines, real work horses. My last one I took across the sahara to Mali. Over 500miles without roads.
Being a car of the modern world I also needed this gadget so he can tell me if he has an issues, but I'm sure he won't.

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