
By cowgirl

Snowdrops at Glastonbury Abbey

Well, at what's left of Glastonbury Abbey anyway.

A grey, mizzley day but we headed off out anyway as Sav had the day off. Wandered round the Abbey ruins ( yeah, thanks for showing no regard for the work that went into the buildings even if you had fallen out with religion Henry! ) and then went in search of somewhere to eat among the candles and crystals. Being Hippy Central, for once there was no shortage of tasty, ethical veggie options and we chose to have lunch at " A Hundred Monkeys ". No idea how that name came about, definately no monkeys in there, not even one iddy biddy little one! Too much incence sniffing perhaps?! Well, at least you can say that about Glastonbury - it's one of the nicest smelling towns in Britain!

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