Swimmers' Log Book


About to be x-er-ayed!

Interesting day today. Started off fine - C and I did our yoga and set off for a second day at Gillingham. C squeezed into her cossie, I set up camp with the iPad. All going swimmingly - until I decide to move closer to get my blip...

Jump, twist, ouch, faint.

Chloe swims a PB for 200m free.
I watch, head between my knees, trying not to be sick. Can't even manage a "go girl" (sorry Sweetheart).

Hobble, hobble, faint again on Spiderboy. (Sits me down and seeks help.)

Cue helpful lady fanning programme and eventually first aider with ice pack.

Call D for rescue. Stop off at A and E (or whatever they're calling it these days). Long wait. X-ray. All clear (but still painful, I must add).

Home to bed.

Thanks to all who came to my assistance. Sorry to have been such a pain. (And I didn't even get the blip!)

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