Muddy Adventures!

By TheFarmersWife


Yum yum! Looks tasty doesn't it?
ever wonder what happens to waste food? This lot will have been grown abroad, grown to order by a British supermarket and probably never been anywhere near a supermarket. A lot of it goes to landfill or for compost and some of it goes to people like us. This fruit and veg will go into our Keenan mixer wagon which is like a giant magimix for cattle feeding. We have a nutritionist who comes and advises us on their diet. This is very exact and scientific. They have straw, chopped which roughs up and stimulates the rumen. There is also milled waste bread, a substance called trafford gold which is a by-product of the brewing process, carrots, potatoes and limestone flour. This is all weighed precisely by the keenan and then chopped and mixed before being dispenced into feed troughs twice a day. This is expensive and time consuming but it is how we ensure our cattle are being fed as well as they possibly can be during winter months inside. Many people presume that cows just eat grass, but on grass, but now you know better!

As for us, nearly all of the vegetables served in my house come from foraging in the stockfeed piles. We get deliveries of carrots and potatoes which are far superior to those on most supermarket shelves. It's organic but waste as people want uniformity in their food. Madness. Organic produces so much waste because of this. I don't 'do' organic, I promote and support 'local' food.

I was going to originally blip this Old grey fergy

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