Choose a word..

desperation blip, opened the dictionary at a random page and came across three words which all have a relevance to me.

Nieto - grandson, can't wait until July until James comes over.
Nieve - snow, would love to go skiing gain this year, but haven't got the money
NIF - or NIE, which is my identity number, similar to the UK National Insurance number, without this you cannot buy anything of significance in Spain, not even a mobile phone, also without one your children cannot inherit your property after your death. Sarah has hers, Chris needs to get his and my step daughter well, my family know how I feel about her, enough said.

Did a grueling hour spinning, we decided not to have the air con on in the studio, much better workout, came home and Roy decided we needed to go to Alicante, one of his hearing aids wasn't working properly and it needed to go back to the audiologist. It has gone back to the factory for repair, from there we went to Albir, near Benidorm, in search of our english, solicitor, who unfortunately has done a runner with all the paperwork appertaining to me getting fiscal residency, I have my residents certificate, but until you are fiscal resident you face problems with tax issues, fortunately we hadn't paid her any money, unlike quite a few people who had paid her thousands of euros and are now out of pocket. It appears you can't trust anyone.

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