blink and miss

By boxgirl

Daisy, la lahla la lah..I'm half crazy

It wasn't a very good day at work today.....

The lab isn't performing well just now and is losing money, today we were told that there is a good chance the lab could be shut down if things don't change.... We are attached to a spectacles outlet, which could in theory, still survive without us if it turns out to be just as cost effective to have their lenses cut off premises.... just have to wait and see what happens, but morale is at an all time low....

Tommorrow I have an appointment at the hospital, if I find out I need an operation, I'll have to sit tight a little longer... but if they can treat me another way, then I might think about jumping ship before it sinks!....

Took a nice walk with Sammy and Rebbekah when I got home... I'm still enjoying the fact that she is needing her Mum for company when she's not working... by the time we'd finnished our walk, we had both walked and talked off a lot of our worries and stresses.... I don't know when my little girl grew up... today was the 1st time I really noticed it... it just seems to happen when you're not looking!.....

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