And if the night runs over....

Ah don't noze wat goes on wif ma hoomanz.

there ah was playing in the garden wif mah friendleh an mah sistur stanz at teh door screamah "oh mah oh mah she's dot somfink, an teh somfink ez standin up"

All teh big Hoomanz come running to teh door one wif a beg flashey lite an they is all squealing. (as was mah little friendleh). So, Ah pickz up mah friendleh, an ah runz.

Ah runz dounz teh side of teh house, Ah runz into next door. Then the hoomanz - all run round and round playing catch. But ah sez, "mah friendleh iz 2 wee fur u to chase her. go and find someone else. My wee Friendleh took the chanz and bounzed into mah neighbors bush, and no matter how hard me and mah sister Beanz tried we wozn't able to find friendleh and mum and dad pulled us in doors.

puft. Hoomans is no fun wehere mah friendlehs is concerned.

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