
By Appreciation

High Visibility!

My eyes have been bombarded with High Visibility clothing and roadside accessories today! I wondered if it was actually National HIgh Visibility Day and not a Leap Year Day.

My girl was out last night (darn those young people who turn 18 during school term time). I bet she was wearing some High Visibility Clothing. I didn't see her as I was out at the cinema. My friends and I were certainly high visibility as we were the only ones below the age of 50. The film Marigold Hotel is well worth a viewing - a romp - and just sounded like my parents at every turn.

On the way to mum today I passed about 4 sets of road works, with cones and barricades and men in neon yellow vests. We must have arrived at the local supermarket at tea time for the workers from the Forth Rail Bridge as it was awash with men in complete head to toe neon orange jackets, trousers and hard hats. Those men had most certainly been tangoed!

Mum was all out of sorts. Yesterday she had got on a bus assuming it was the correct number to take her to some shops. She was killing time until her new glasses were ready. She often goes to these shops so knows the bus she needs. She hopped on and was bemused when the driver turned off to somewhere else. When he reached the terminus in an unsavoury part of the city she asked what number she was on -

Isn't this the 22 she asked
No love, its the 30 he replied

Thank goodness she was getting new specs.

On the journey home I hit peek school's out time and was greeted by the yellow neon vests of Lollipop persons. My trip to the bridge was also full of bright colour.

I do hope however that my mum hasn't made herself too high visibility when she found a young man in her garden last night. His excuse was that he was ....

checking to see if she had new windows and doors as they were in the area.

No thanks son, she replied, I'm a widow now and can't afford these things!!!!!

I shan't sleep much tonight I'm sure, I will be hearing her alarm ringing all night!

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