It's been a hard day.

I would love to say that this is the cream of today's crop of photos, but this is a kind of 'Emergency Blip', due to first-day-of-teaching-kids-stress. You'll understand why when I explain....

I fell asleep on the couch after dinner, and woke up to the horror of looking at my watch - 20 minutes to 9!! I had 20 minutes to get to school; thank goodness that I am free periods 1 and 2. I tried to phone the school to say that I was going to be late, but nobody was answering the phone.

I got out to the car, and put my bag in the back seat ready to open the gate to get the car out. It was going to be OK, because I could have a quick shower at work, couldn't I?

I turned on the ignition, and spotted the 24 hour clock on the dashboard.


Time for bed.

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