Early, too early
This strawberry flower may have peaked too soon. I've a feeling I should probably pinch it off and wait for the plant to develop flowers at the right time of year, but I haven't the heart. The main reason I chose this shot though was for the light shining through the hairs on a strawberry stem in the background. Glorious sunshine all day. A last minute change of plan had me rather than Mr B accompanying Conor to football practice, so I lounged on the touchline reading for a rather pleasant hour and a half in the sunshine - in my t-shirt while the other parents were wrapped up in coats and scarves. My friend from Ireland who's lived out here a few years longer than us feels the cold - and is permanently clad in several more layers than me, Mr B and her husband (who still works in Ireland through the week). So perhaps I will acclimatise and in the next few years will find February temperatures of 19 degrees a bit nippy. But I doubt it.
New visitors to the garden today included a cat who was firmly rebuffed by Mr B, and some goldfinches, who were warmly welcomed with cheering that seemed to have the effect of frightening them off. Ah well, perhaps they'll give us another chance.
Mr B has spent most of the day battling with utility admin in the UK. Our gas company has sent us a huge bill. A huge final bill. Despite our never saying we wanted to change company. Apparently your gas company can cancel your contract on the say-so of another gas company without requiring any proof that you (the customer) has requested the change. We haven't received any bills or communication from another company though - so it's all rather odd. But we are still getting gas, so perhaps we should just shut up about it?
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