
By Dugswell2

Longridge Fell Leap Year Marilyn + Trig Point

Longridge Fell, 350 meters, my local Marilyn, a P242. A bit of a paddle over rough moorland from Jeffrey Hill car park after work as the sun set. Always a better walk when the ground is frozen underfoot. Seems to remain damp even in the drier summers.

Been to this summit on my mountain bike with Gary McCabe, a technical and very muddy ride even after a longish dry spell.

Longridge, as its name suggests, it takes the form of a long ridge which rises in a northeasterly direction from within the town of Longridge to its summit 4.5 miles distant. As the ridge curves towards the east, it comes to a sudden end and drops into the Hodder Valley. The fell is a good example of a cuesta; the ridge has a sharp drop or escarpment on its northern side, and a gentler, more varying slope on its southern side. These features make it a popular takeoff for hang-gliders and paragliders on the relatively infrequent occurrences of a northerly wind.

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