Around and about!

By xLindax

It's nearly empty!

There is a perfectly good explanation as to why I have blipped a VERY LARGE BOTTLE OF NEARLY EMPTY PERFUME...

Please take a look at my husbands 200th blip. It involved US climbing down an embankment, walking through mud, climbling over boulders, through long grass and generally getting filthy. 'Do you fancy going for a little walk?' he said 'I've got and idea!'

What he fails to tell you in his write up is that the large sparkly thing is 1 of 6 attempts at spinning petrol soaked wire wool on a long chain! The first of which flew off and set fire to a bush! The second of which set both his gloves on fire and almost his trousers as he sttempted to put said fire out.

Anyway all of this was to fulfill a criteria of 'light writing' (if thats what its called) and grafitti for a camera club competition. If he doesn't win he had a damned good try!!

So the reason for the above photo is hopefully self explanatory - I think after all that I deserve it!!

Happy Wednesday everyone, me and the SarahC woman are about to head out to win the quiz haha!

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