
By siannmaison

New Beginning

Didn't have anything to take a picture of.. well i had a parents evening but i don't think my teachers would appreciate me going up to them and saying.. CHEESE!
I think it went quite well I no it went well, i was surprised to find out that i am not that bad at Spanish and that i have made progress which is good and i am doing well, i am a well behaved kid, bit chatty in some classes and a quite, polite kid in another,.. there seems to be some personality's of mine that are only coming out in certain subjects. I also found out that i am better at chemistry than biology which has defo' affected my possible choices for 3rd year, its not really easy trying to pick subjects because i want to pick ones that are fun and i enjoy, but also pick ones that will help me in the future and that i am good at and that i can progress on, it would really helpful if i new what i wanted to be which i don't..

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