Sandy's Photo Journal

By SandyDuncan

Childhood Memories

I apologise that this is a back blip, but unfortunately yesterday was a very difficult day.
I wanted to continue my theme of the week 'My Garden'. However, I wished to deviate from this theme to celebrate my Grand Fathers life, as sadly he passed away during the night at the grand old age of 95.
I have memories of walking through bluebell fields, sitting at his kitchen table watching him check the football scores, spending fantastic weekends away in Nan & Granddad's caravan and driving them both mad singing 'We All Live In A Yellow Submarine' with my sister in the back of the car. However, my most vivid memory I have, is the collection of pigs that he bought, over the years, for my Nan. Granddad was a butcher and I can always remember the time that he brought home a pair of pigs ears for Nan - that was just above and beyond I think, but it made everyone laugh.
I considered trying to photograph a Packington pig, but that would not follow my theme. Then I remembered that my son had purchased a Swarovski pig when Nan passed away - now I could continue my theme and remember both of my grandparents. I hope you like the result.
R.I.P. Granddad, love you - say Hi to Nan for me x x

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