Just about to be ...

taken off. Up at 7.30am at the clinic for 7.50 along with about 50 others. Everyone has an 8am appointment and you have to wait for your name to be called. I waited 30 minutes, the poor nurse spent ages trying to find a vein, I have very small veins, she eventually found one and took the two phials of blood, 8.40am on my way out of the clinic, home for breakfast.

Just had a phone call from Sue & Ron, they arrived late last night, plaintive little voice 'our tv isn't working', 'give me 5 minutes and i'll be up to sort it out' says I. I switched the tv, on, off, on, then switched the digi box on and lo and behold all the channels appeared, Ron's face was a picture.

Back blipped yesterday.

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