Maitreyi College

As well as being Director of the Campus of Open Learning at Delhi University our host Dr Savita Datta is also Principal of Maitreyi College, which is a college set up specifically for young women from less affluent backgrounds. Our meeting today was based there. We discussed our progress on the current proposals then were given a tour of the campus and a chance to chat with lecturing staff and assess the IT infrastructure to see if there was another proposal which could be submitted for courses to run there.

It looks like there probably is so now we just have to have our sections of the proposal document prepared by next Thursday when Savita visits Edinburgh. It should be well in place by then.

We also got a tour of the gardens while we were there as each year there are awards for the gardens at Delhi University. the judges had been a few days before and the awards are handed out tomorrow. As such I thought a photo of some of the students relaxing in the garden would be the best blip for today.

It's been a very productive few days and seems to have gone by incredibly quickly. I can't believe we start the journey home tomorrow. We have a quick meeting with our colleagues over here first thing in the morning tomorrow then in the afternoon it will be packing and heading for home.

Just noticed that it's the first of March, so I'd better add a song. This one seems apt I think technically it's called Mathar by the Dave Pike Set but it was released in 1993 as Indian Vibes.

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