
By grounded

Kitchen Update!

A few folks have asked about the kitchen and how things are going in there. Well after the old kitchen was pulled out, the electrician did his first fix followed by the plasterer putting up a new ceiling and skimming the walls. Now hubby has painted and sorted out the plumbing before making a start on putting the cabinets in. He has just got these wall cabinets up today and they still need the doors adjusting. You can see the oven housing on the right and the dishwasher and sink unit. So progress indeed.

I lead prayers today at college which I enjoy doing. And I worked with a group as we started to prepare for a presentation on C H Spurgeon. Once I returned home, I prepped a slow cooker casserole to put on tomorrow and now I'm getting ready to head back into Glasgow with hubby for a pizza. Yum!

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