Back in 5. Or tomorrow.

By mly

Oxymoron and truth

Sooo, thinking I'd introduce you to lots of backblips today I thought to make you aware of the fact (trying to be funny and all) like this :)

Aug 14th: Bookworm
Aug 15th: The Golden Child
Aug 16th: Sara & Patrik's wedding
Aug 18th: Happy Puppy (Yes, it's not a cat!)

The text is written and then photographed by me and ultimately used as a text(ure) layer (ha ha)

Today I noticed Welcome To My World's beautiful blip

(I love when people do this - acknowledges fellow blippers I mean - which is why I'm going to have a go at it myself now that I've got a marvellous 24" Apple screen to look at blips on :D)

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