Vive la Vie

By gillybxl

Oh dear

It had all been going so smoothly.

O had enjoyed a good day at school, starting a new unit of work called 'Out and About'. She had been for a big walk around the school campus learning about maps etc. She was quite fascinated by the disabled sign and claimed that she would need a wheelchair when she was a grown up!

D had enjoyed a good day at the creche coming home with a load of fab art work that he has been working on for the past few months.

Hubby went off to his french lesson.

The kids ate their tea nicely.

Then they started doing some drawing before bath time, which at first was very cute, and is why I had my camera out as I thought I'd get a photo of them sitting nicely together.

Then D decided he'd help O with her picture.

Big mistake.

I think/hope he's learned his lesson!

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