GM Tulip

By GMTulip

Lots of choices today....

I could have given you the inside of my boss's car. He was whisked off to hospital in an ambulance from the doctors surgery this morning, so I had to walk round and pick up his car. (Thankfully all is well and he's home now!)

Or I could have given you a portrait of my lovely friend Liz who I had lunch with, she cheered me up no end and fed me pork goulash and a gluten free coconut and lime cake... (another great photo op)

...then there was the beautiful scenery I enjoyed on the drive home from Oxford, the sun was shining and everything looked spring like and lovely...

... our meal tonight was pretty photogenic... chicken and chorizo with roast root veg...

...but instead I give you Bobby... who's going to complain about his lovely little face? His Mummy came to Grandma's for her tea before heading off to their agility class.

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