Sweet dusty-bones

By sweetdustybones


I asked Boo to leap for this photo. He often leaps. He's a very leapy kinda kid. He regularly leaps off surfaces high enough to make my heart skip a beat - he shouts 'watch this Mummy' just in time for me to witness it but not actually get there quick enough to stop him, and he is always ok - he's very good at landing. The ONE TIME that I actually encouraged such a leap (and not even a particularly high one - just off his little foot stool) and he goes and trips over his own foot and does a spectacular belly-flop on the hard floor. He then sobs, and repeats the line that I (and the nursery staff) usually tell him: "Mummy! Trampolines are for jumping on! Stools are not for jumping on!". I asked him if he'd like to jump on the grass or a cushion instead. He looked at me in disbelief and firmly said "NO!". Maybe it's good that this happened - maybe he'll be a bit more cautious with his stunts in future (I can hope, can't I?!). Eventually he decided that it would be ok for one of his toys to leap instead. He chose his reindeer. Happy Leap year folks!

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