my corner of the world

By Vic

Hair cut day!

I succumbed to her pleads. It has been a hard week of friendship battles for Jasmine since they went back to school. This one girl decided to do a bit of bullying via Facebook and messaging etc and at school spreading lies about her. Unfortunately it got very personal and Jasmine began to hate her self, her looks and her life. My blood boiled but I had to advise and let her see it through.

So tonight when our hairdresser was her and she begged to have a change. The hairdresser was on her side and promised to do a subtle shade! It goes against everything I have said previously. I don't want her to have to change how she looks, let alone damage her hair. I just hope I've done the right thing. I think it really suits her and she's made up. Was lovely to see her smiling and confident again. Hope it lasts.

Been an emotional week with my kids. Really hope it will settle now.

Yeah Friday tomorrow!

Excuse the photo. John has already been very critical. I know the lighting is too harsh. I was just trying to do something different and it didn't work but no time to play as work has piled high again!

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