Click Click Redemption

By Seoirseo

Winter Sun In Extremis

Today is the 01.03.11 and so it begins, the marathon backblipping session to get myself back up to date.

A really bad dose of flu, which knocked me out for the best part of 2 weeks, left me w/a backlog of photos, that I just couldn't get round to uploading. Then as the backlog grew, it became more daunting to even think about it, let alone do anything about it.

Real life business and a wee glut of visitors also conspired to keep me from this task. But I'm back now and so here we go.

This was taken on the 1st day of our visit to Acapulco for New Year. It was really hard to get my head round the blistering heat at this time of year. Not that it wasn't brilliant, it just seemed so weird that I wasn't wrapped under 5 layers and feeling the bitter bite of a Scottish winter!

Later on in the night we went to see the famous Le Quebrada Cliff Divers do their astonishing acrobatic plunges.

Amazing, especially when you consider that some of them were barely teenagers. Not much older than these lads mucking about on the beach!!

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