
By tnt2005

Reading with Grandma

Today was the last day of Grandma B's visit. She and Linden had some special quality time this week, especially when Linden woke up early and Grandma was awake and ready to play with him. (She made up some fun games to play with him, like "up we go, down we go" where Linden would stand and sit on her lap.) This photo was taken a few hours before we had to take Grandma to the airport. The book has textures that "Little Hands Love," and just this week Linden has been really interested in touching the textures in the book. (One of our favorites is the "bumpy tan cardboard.") While reading this book with Grandma, Linden also seemed to be intentionally rubbing other textures around him, like the fabric of the chair they were sitting in. Other textures he's been intrigued by lately include the textured wall next to his changing table, Grandma's sweater, and daddy's beard.

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