If u can't beat 'em...

By Mrs-O


That's how it feels to take your fisrt born for their first set of immunisations.

Now, being a nurse, the rational part of me understood this necessary evil, and I admit to being one of the guilty ones in the past doing the immunisations. During this period of my life (many moons ago) I was convinced that any mother who got emotional during this was over reacting but I did understand their reaction.


Scott woke me with a huge giggle and smile this morning at half five - a bit early for him, but hey ho, it was with a smile like his who cares about the time?

We drop Daddy of at work and off we trot to the clinic (accompanied by Granny for moral support)

We take a seat and wait to be called.

The call comes and in the three of us go to the room. Granny thankfully agrees to hold Scott and then it happens........

Two evil nurses stab my little boy in both legs at the same time.......

Scott SCREEEAAAMMSS in a way I have never experienced (thankfully he's never had colic)

I snatch Scott from Granny, holding him the tighest he's ever been held and cue the tears. They drowned me. I was wailing like a bairn!

I thought I could handle the immunisations.... oh how wrong was I? This is most definately a Daddy job from now on!

Thanks Granny for being there!

Sorry for the rant folks, hope your day was better than mine.

p.s. By 12noon, Scott was back to his useful happy little self, smiling, telling stories and making me feel like the worst mum in the world for taking him this morning. I on the otherhand have been left traumatised for life!

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