Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey


Excellent morning with Callum, strolling along the pier, stopping at our favourite spots and Callum had a clay sculpture made of his face which actually resembles him not. Just savouring these moments as Reuben's school won't always be a stone's throw from the beach in Santa Monica. Working towards Reuben's IEP, his round of assesments and transition to Kindergarten, the placement as yet undecided.

As for the afternoon, well that was a little less relaxing, juggling the boys in the waiting room of the eye Dr's for 2 hours. Surprising the vocal range Callum has, quite. The better news is Reuben's vision has improved from 20/80 aided to 20/50 so patching is obviously helping. Hopefully in 4 months time when we next return, patching will be over.

Been a very long day...

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