The Love Child Chronicles

By lovechild

Into The Woods

Beware the woods! Stay on the path! These are the warnings that echo in my mind as I leaf through some drawings my daughter drew while hostessing at Sara Beth Restaurant, Central Park South, New York City, Summer 2010.

Some days were slow, and she would sit and draw the trees that grace one of the world's most famous parks. She watched tourists ride by on romantic horse cart rides, and dreamt of being whisked off by her own Prince Charming one day. (Oh, and also of the delicious Mac & Cheese with Lobster that she might get for her daily meal at the restaurant.)

Her choice of materials: bathroom paper towels, and black, light blue and light green BIC Velocity ball point pens.

She loves to draw, as did my father. She also shares his love of nature and walking through the park, and writes songs and stories.

In setting out to discover the puzzle that is my life, I have discovered that my children both share talents and passions for things that others in our family also possessed and cherished. Even though they never had the opportunity to meet these special people face to face, their essence has been passed down to a new generation.

The woods are full of danger, beauty, and tales of wonder. My father told me stories of a beautiful princess and the beloved prince, who saved her from a series of misadventures. Somehow, my daughter has become that exact young woman, searching for her knight in shining amour, and learning her way through the dense forest of life.

I happen to find that pretty amazing.

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