
By Naturelover

Daddy's Home!

Here's my Big Daddy Red-Bellied Woodpecker. I ran out of peanuts, so he isn't very happy with me!

Friday, and all the usual Friday happenings are on tap for today.
Shopping for peanuts first, of course.
Picking up Sanibel from pre-school, play date with her this afternoon,
taking her home later, fixing dinner for traveling husband,
finishing baby blanket for a friend, cleaning family room in anticipation of
T.V. delivery.

It's a lovely March day. Last night's wallyball was fun but not very skillful. We had only 4 of our regular players, and the volleys were not pretty!! When we have all of our regulars I'll blip us in the wallyball court so you can see what I'm talking about.

Hope you all have a lovely week-end. You've made my week so much nicer!!

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