Guarantee We'll Be Feeling Alright.....

What a glorious day.

This morning I got an email which read, "Congratulations, the Author has chosen your photo which best encapsulates 'The Moment', and your Camera and Book will be with you within 14 days. How flipping delighted am I?

I had a lovely day at work - I got a lot done; you can see my desk is actually black, there are gaps in the paper piles now!

Then I came home, and had a envelope from Alaska... and inside, the most beautiful hand-crafted bracelet I have ever laid eyes on. This from my Cousin Gloria in Alaska, who I have never met, but I have met her brother, the Gorgeous Jimmy, when he and his Dad, dear departed Charlie visited and turned our worlds upside down.

Look at that sunset, straight out of my camera. No tweaking, no cropping, AND I took it as I flew along with by-pass.

I think it's gonna be a good weekend!


For the Record: The day came in with light cloud cover but bright, clouded a little, and then ended up like this!

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