
By TonyG

I Wonder

What's in a name?

This beauty goes under the name of Crocus vernus subspecies vernus 'Carpathian Wonder', at least if one follows the interpretation of Brian Mathew, the leading crocus expert in the UK. However, the plant was named by Janis Ruksans, a Latvian expert, one of the great plant hunters of the last fifty years. He would call it Crocus heuffelianus 'Carpathian Wonder', taking a different view of Crocus taxonomy. Whatever we call it, it is a wonder.

Found by Janis in the Carpathian mountains, it is unusual in having white flowers with this very dark purple marking. Purple flowers with dark markings are common but this white is special. Corms have changed hands for over £20 each! I rarely buy crocuses, just raise them from seed and swap them with fellow enthusiasts, mine was a gift, in exchange for another plant.

If the idea of £20 for a crocus corm seems crazy, take a look at this link where very early on the record price for a single snowdrop bulb is revealed. No wonder they call Galanthomania 'White Fever'!

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