Red Flash

By RedFlash

Not quite what I had in mind

You nearly had another yellow line photo but that would have been three in a week so that would never do.

The day at work was busy and I worked through lunch.

Several people seemed to like the night photo of the egg so I walked that way back to Bank (a very round about route) but tonight it wasn't lit up.

I watched people rushing about at Liverpool Street Station either going home or somewhere nice for the weekend.

I've been looking for Police boxes - the type that Dr Who has as his abode and time traveler and this is a Police Phone Box and it will have to do for now.

It used to enable people to phone the police free of charge but it is no longer operable and advices people to use the nearest phone box.

Our main PC in the house has a virus so I have been banned from using it to load this. It has all of my software and emails on it so I am not a happy bunny.

The weather forecasters are prophesizing the return of winter next week so it is just as well that you have all been photographing sping this week. At least we will have something to look back at next week. Of course, they could be wrong. Here's hoping

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