St. Elvis

St. Elvis Burial Chamber & Farm, near Solva, Wales. About 25 miles away are the Preseli Hills. In the late 19th Century, the farmer tried to blow up & destroy the burial chamber, to get it out of the way & use the slabs of rock elsewhere. The burial chamber is 4,000-5,000 years old, and a late incarnation of the church existed until its building (brown structure in background) was incorporated into the farm. Christian churches were built near such ancient monuments during the 4th-to-6th Centuries for creepy reasons.

The first name Elvis is the anglicized version of Ailbe, a Celtic (Irish in this case) saint. Raised by a she-wolf, he's the patron saint of wolves. He baptized St. David, (patron saint of Wales), whose cathedral is a few miles away from where I am in the picture.

On our way back to the car Ceridwen & I noticed a man with a snow-white pompadour, approximately 77 years old, walking with a hound dog and whistling a Welsh folk tune (no photo available).

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