Pies are squared
A pie-tastic day. Re-pastried steak and ale pie, lemon meringue pie and chocolate pies. Though I only realised at 7pm that I had no ready-made puff pastry to re-top yesterday's remnants of the meat pie, so had to improvise with some home-made rough puff (the name of which provided no end of amusement for Mr B), the lemon meringue hasn't been eaten yet, and only the kids have tried the chocolate ones - Mr B and I being far too stuffed with the first pie.
So, today was pretty much (as predicted) a re-run of yesterday, though with most of my morning's work scraping paint was replaced by a bit of a lie in bed to get rid of a sore tummy. The return to bed, a strong painkiller and sleep induced by the strong painkiller left me feeling a lot less sore, but slightly hazy for most of the afternoon. But still, the brambles too a second beating, and we are nearly there now with only a few square metres to go (of the 20 or so square metres we started with in this patch).
Mr B's bramble fighting days were called short with a thorn in the eye (ouch - he's fine though) so he wandered off to figure out that the battery in the Jeep was not restartable with our battery restarting thingummy, so we figured the simplest option was to buy a new battery. We've had lots of flat battery issues here and have always ended up buying a new battery after a 50 euro call out from nice garageman. So this time we shortcutted it and just bought the battery. And we are once more a two vehicle family (and Conor has been quite firmly rebuked for leaving the interior Jeep light on....) Unfortunately the process of getting the old battery out resulting in the kind of finger injury (to Mr B) that makes me glad I'm not a nurse. But he's fine(ish) and is now rather bizarrely watching Bear Grylls in French.
After much trauma last night with Conor's latest poem he has to learn for school, he was able to recite half of it - earning a 'tres bien' from his teacher. Next time I'm going to try a poem in English to see if the problem is the language or the learning by heart. Any suggestions of poem gratefully received. Something that a 7 year old boy would find amusing would be best.
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