And I would ride 500 miles...
And I would ride 500 more
And 500 more
And 500 more
And 500 more
And 500 more
Just to be the man
Who rode 3000 miles
To puncture
At your doo-oo-ooor
Now I meant to look out for the 3000 mile mark on this particular bike then completely forgot. It will have happened some time this morning so you get 3010 miles instead... And every single one of those miles has been pedaled because this is a fixed wheel bike. One gear, no freewheel. Perfect commuting material.
Mind you, there are a couple of 100+ mile rides in there as well. Really has been a joy since I finished building it last May. Hopefully the new (30 geared, freewheeled) bike will work out as well.
Mind you, it's still got a way to catch up with the mountain bike, which is a few years older. And yes, I was terribly irresponsibly riding like this to get the shot......
I had thought about blipping something my mother would never approve of, until I remembered the mileage shot...
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