Chaos and Calm

By KatKatzenjammer

Real food tastes divine.

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for the well wishes that have come in for Benjamin and I. The well wishes worked. Master Four Year Old is back home in his comfortable bed, with his favourite toys, watching his favourite DVDs.

He's still feeling pretty cruddy, and will do for a few weeks. He needs another week off school before he will be well enough to return. But with pneumonia and an inflammation of the lymphnodes in his tummy, it's no wonder.

He was expected to be in for at least a few nights, but Super Mummy came to the rescue. Round the clock cold compress to bring his temperature down, and once he wasn't delirious, I was being annoying to get him to drink something. Within a few hours of half a icy-pole I conned him into half a cup of juice. A few hours later he had a quarter of a sandwich, a serve of jelly, a cup of juice, and a little fruit jelly lolly.

He was home a few hours later.

So now I am looking after me with some REAL food!! I couldn't even get real coffee at the hospital.

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