a little bit of rhubarb

By Puggle

Happy Mardi Gras

Firstly, thank you for the spotlight, favourites, 5* and the many kind comments about yesterday's blip. I am very chuffed and very appreciative of people dropping in to have a look at my photo.

Secondly, today is the annual Sydney Mardi Gras parade - as I type the floats are gearing up across town, ready to roll. There's an extra fervour in the air today, as Kylie Minogue is in town.

And if I were a Bright Young Thing, I would be over at Oxford Street in my gold hot pants, scrabbling onto milk crates for a view and generally having a good time. But I'm over 35, and I have my Grumpy Old Cow training wheels on (and I never looked good in hot pants anyway!), so I'm not swanning off to blip a photo of the parade. I imagine there will be plenty of other blips though, with some fantastic shots!

My suburb of Newtown is (naturally) out in force for mardi gras, with flags, feathers and sequins a-flying. Lovely vibe on the street today, and lots of shop windows have displays in celebration of mardi gras. The downside of course is that while the displays would make great photos, the glass flare and reflections tend to get in the way.

But I was determined that today I should have a photo with mardi gras colours in it somewhere. This photograph is taken of the bollards outside a Newtown shop that specialises in South American products. Don't think we'll see many of these masks in the parade, but hey... you never know your luck in a big city!!

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