
By astudyinscarlet

festivals #18

off to see antonio forcione tonight - later than i thought tho, show starts 11.45pm! and he'll be great, but i'm so tired (didn't sleep last night - four hours, then lots of staring at the ceiling - then busy day) that i'm not sure i'll enjoy it as much as usual.

also, a mysterious conversational topic is apparently going to be brought up tonight, and am a bit worried. there may be a later edit...


edit: mysterious conversation had. i had guessed the topic (part of last night's sleeplessness) but it doesn't make it better. 'i've been trying to find a good time to tell you' - er, how about as soon as you bloody well knew? suffice to say i feel like the last little vestiges of rug have been pulled from under my feet. not a favourite day of the year so far...

edit2: AF was excellent, tho disappointed not to see a duet/duel, and no 'tarantella' despite having a cellist. music may not have entirely soothed, but it was a reminder that there are other things out there than numbness.

gods, all i want to do is talk about this with him and i can't! sorry, i fear this may become a recurring topic...

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