Flying the coop.
Our son had his introductory meeting at nursery today. Next week he'll be at nursery every day and there won't be a 'baby' in the house any more. So there's a bit of me thinking 'yah-hey peace and quiet for a few hours every day' and a bit thinking that any day now I'll turn around and realise I'm sharing the house with two sulky teenagers who barely want to share the same house with me, let alone sit on the floor for two hours finger painting dinosaurs. Funny thing being a parent. Don't understand how mine put up with us lot.
Busy day, capped with a lovely early evening walk up the golf course in a rare and lovely break from the rain. This is a view up the Firth towards Edinburgh. One of those evenings when I wouldn't ever want to be anywhere else. (Then tomorrow it'll rain and I'll be looking up those 'emigrate to France' sites again. Fickle? Never.)
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