Feeling Monochrome

The following is a fictional blog entry by an Elf called Luca, who, as of December 2010, has taken up residence on Earth in the hopes of evading his past. His entries are all tagged LucaDafeldr for ease of viewing, should you wish to catch up on goings-on.

Dear Blippers

Since my last entry I have been back to town, on my own. I walked passed that spot countless times, opening my senses to the slightest brush of magic. I even loitered outside Millets for several minutes pretending to be taking photos of pigeons. Nothing. Not a spark.

So much for confronting one's fears or whatever you're supposed to do about these things.

There are in fact three possible identities (broadly speaking) of Tuesday's mysterious magical stranger.

The first I mentioned in the last entry, because this is the possibility that most worries me.

They (I use 'they' in the nonstandard singular sense, meaning 'he' or 'she') could alternatively fall into the same category that I do, that of a non-murderous individual who just happens to be living on Earth for their own private reasons.

Thirdly, we have the P.W.E. This is the Preservative Wardens of Earth, an organisation who work to keep you (Humans) in the dark about the other worlds. Their work includes 'deporting' the rest of us back to our own worlds, when/if they find us. (I don't consider myself to be undermining them by writing about this since I doubt you believe anything I'm telling you.)

I hope you're having a more enjoyable weekend than I am. Edit: Weapon says I'm being too miserable. Take two: I do hope you're having a good weekend, guys!!

- Luca

P.S. If you're more interested in the furniture... (at Flickr)

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