Waves at Oyce

Waves again! Well, they do come serially. The wee bus dropped me at the bottom of the track that climbs Costa Hill. The wind from the south-east was near gale force and, at the top, I was glad of the shelter afforded by a wartime ruin. From there I headed to the clifftop and west. The conditions made it very difficult. Even though the wind was behind me, I was still expending a lot of energy staying up and not being pushed toward the edge. I saw a couple of sheep grazing over a sheer drop here.
It was dry until I reached the spot in the photo, but then a shower came on and made things quite unpleasant. The waves at Oyce were pretty impressive, though.

I struggled on, helped by a coffee break in the shelter of the fisherman' hut at Skipi Geo, and was pretty glad at the appearance of the wee bus to take me home.

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