All in All

So, the bloom of life on it's way.

Met my neighbours little new born baby today, quite incredible really, so tiny and precious and unaware, she's beautiful, babies seem so delicate...

Pretty good day I sopose managed to pretty much finish my photography coursework, let's just hope cambridge love it. I wouldn't say I'm good at photography but I'm on my way, and a have real interest in it, especially working in the darkroom spending hours trying to get all those photographs to my teachers content.

Had a little walk this afternoon, it was nice till I found a poor dead goat that some one had also ran over and left to suffer, I don't understand some people, I know it could have a been an accident but if hadn't died straight way try and help it, it's not asking much is it?

Anyway better not bore you to death, but if you have time check this song out, I love it.

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