Double Digit Day

It's my littlest monkey's (and youngest daughter) birthday today and she is 10! TEN!!! I cannot believe it! It really does only seem like yesterday that she was just a babe-in-arms! She has had a fantastic day, been spoilt rotten by her sisters and maybe a little by us too. You are only 10 once though right? ;o) Sadly Mr FS had to work an early shift so wasn't here to open her gifts this morning :( He has been given full and thorough instructions on how to play Skylanders now though so it's all good :) She loved all her gifts and used her money to buy herself some new books, a rainbow tailed whoohoo thingie from Claires and some funky erasers.

We went out after he finished work to the city and had a look at some bikes, we are hoping to buy one each for myself, him & Arwen soon. I have fallen in love with a gorgeous "classic" bike which even has a little wicker basket on the front :D We then went for something to eat, birthday girl was given the choice between Mambo Jambo's (a mexican restaurant & one of her favourites) or KFC. She chose KFC so her and her dad had tea out, I had pizza when we got home :D When Asha got home, we had birthday cake and I got this pic of her blowing out the candles, not that you can see much of her but it's my first try at this :)

Ten though! TEN! I am definitely going to be drinking a glass or two of wine tonight just to deal with that!

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