Blips and blops

By Mags


Well. I blipped early last night. Possibly just as well. We got a phone call about 11pm to say my dad had had a stroke and was being taken to hospital. Today we spent waiting and visiting. This blip is of the wall between my mum and dad's kitchen and dining room. A number of years ago my dad knocked it down and rebuilt it 9 inches over so they could fit in standard kitchen units. Hard to believe looking at him today.
Yet again NHS staff have been brilliant. The Dr was just lovely as she explained things to my mum simply and gently but not building up false hopes. God bless the medical staff!
Goretex, Eubers and MP came tonight and brought tea. Goretex had made a cake to celebrate WiFis big brother's birthday. He's visiting from France. It's so good to have good friends.

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