Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly


Well batteries in camera died.
Phone died.
Turned on the camera I dont like, then that died.

Seeing a theme...

Tried more batteries. Guess what......Yep dead.
Tried putting them in the charger - nope wasnt having it.
Took batteries out of the camera and out them in the charger.....................................................................................

Now what to photo?
Ferd in the garden doing Ferd stuff.

.......................the lights are sort of pretty.

And in other news I still need votes please help by popping along. 1 vote = £1 and when I get 200 votes I will get some funding that will help my fledgling business. You will need to register on the site, but it only takes a minute and its to ensure that you get proper votes not spam bots.
Thank you very much
Love Mouse

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