Heading West

I'm unusually pleased with that picture: it appeals to the minimalist in me (and was a complete accident, as I was focusing on something altogether different, when I spotted that scene... comme quoi, as they say in France...)

Maybe it's because we saw the movie 'Hugo' yesterday (though, of course, this scene would be the reverse of what is depicted in the movie). By the way, if you've not seen Hugo yet, I'd highly recommend it: the images are simply a feast for the eyes; the colors, the crispness, the tones -- amazing!

btw: any of you using Macs, what software (or combo software) do you use to process your pix? I have invested in PS CS5, but that does require something else to organize the pix. Aperture? Lightroom? iPhoto and be done? Any advice would be welcome. :))

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