
By katgirl

Blonde Fox

This dog was running around the park across from Bob's school today. She had no collar or tags. There was no one with her. She seemed petrified of me, but would gladly greet Bob and let him pet her. Although she would not get too close to me, I fell in love with her sweet (albeit scared) demeanor. I asked everyone who came by if they knew this dog, and no one did. Finally, some kids the same age as Bob who were there without an adult (they are always there without an adult), said the dog belonged to their cousin. At just about that time, she darted across Jefferson Street (a big 3 lane road with rush hour traffic). Bob watched her get across safely with baited breath. There are often dogs running loose in that neighborhood and it makes me cringe. I think a call to the Humane Society is in order. At least they can send someone to check on the dog and advise the owners about keeping her leashed. And maybe someone can keep an eye on the kids, too. Grrrr!

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