You got a friend in me
2years 135days
Our Sundays have developed a nice pattern to them. Some Mummy and Katie time first thing - we got lots done this morning, putting both new and old pictures up, sorting out a bit and things. We then had an enjoyable time at Church. She was thrilled to see her Cousins, and loved watching the drumming this morning. She settled really happily to her Sunday School class, and came back down to me with her big cousin afterwards. They tend to then play together for a while before we go home.
Victoria and the children came back for lunch with us, and as always it was just such a relaxed, happy time. Katie adores them like family, and they play so nicely together despite such a big age range. She ate two big bowls of angel delight after lunch and had lots of fun running round in new dressing up they'd brought her. Katie, at the moment, doesnt cope very well with goodbyes, she gets pretty sad. So this is Jaden laying down beside her to comfort her.
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