
I am a fair weather gardener. Not for me the tidying up of frosty borders or working in a shed or greenhouse while there's snow on the ground. Not even keen on digging in the drizzle.

But today is gorgeous! Apparently it's only 8 degrees, but it feels so much warmer and I have spent a wonderful morning clearing and tidying and filling the garden waste bin as well as a few garden rubbish bags. The smell of the earth ... even our lumpy clay soil ... is so uplifting and the warmth of the sun on your face when you treat yourself to a sit down outdoor coffee, obviously in a floral mug? Wow!

In this high exposed garden I had deliberately followed advice and left some border untidied, to give shelter to new growth and to small creatures over the worst of the weather. Of course, that means slimy brown leaves by March! But easy to clear out and today's work made an immense difference to the appearance of the garden.

Sat outside this afternoon to read, but it's not Arran! Too chilly to be stationary!

Three years ago yesterday I was driving my most horrific snowy journey ever ...... on my own in the car, 11.00 p.m. whiteout on the M8 Edinburgh to North Lanarkshire. Terrifying! I'll take wet and mild any day! Fingers crossed for the month to come!

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