Simply Me

By Suze981

Not for the faint hearted...

I can only apologise for my blip today. I ran the Meadows Half Marathon in Edinburgh this afternoon and this is one of the pitfalls of running.

I came away with a time of 2 hours, 12 minutes and I'm really happy with that.

The terrain was rather dodgy in places and the hailstones made the grass rather slippery...and so I'm afraid my feet took a bit of a battering. I got home to find this massive blood blister. If I've learnt anything, it's that a sterilised needle is the only hope for such a beast. This is the result.

Again I'm sorry for the image, but if I have to go through it, you're going through it with me.

I did have an alternate image of the finish line, but it was taken a good while after finishing and looked a little pathetic.

The rest of the day will be spent eating pizza with my feet up. I'm rather pleased I now have a long weekend, no work till Tuesday.

Hope everyone has had a good weekend!

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